How does the application process work?
The Allentown Housing Authority is switching to an online application and processing system. All of your information has been uploaded to an online portal. The online portal will allow you to manage your household information, manage the units that you have applied for, and even allow you to check your position on the waiting list. You can access the online portal by going to the following web page:
Simply enter this web address into your browser of choice. You will use the boxes on the right to log into the web portal. Either the applicant, applicant's representative or an AHA staffer can enter the information. AHA needs to collect the following information to determine eligibility:
(1) Names of all persons who would be living in the unit, their sex, date of birth, and relationship to the family head;
(2) Your present address and telephone number and email address;
(3) Family characteristics (e.g., Allentown resident) or circumstances (e.g.,victim of domestic violence) that might qualify the family for occupancy preferences;
(4) Names and addresses of your current and previous landlords for information about your family's suitability as a tenant;
(5) An estimate of your family's anticipated income for the next twelve months and the sources of that income;
(6) The names and addresses of employers, banks, and any other information the AHA would need to verify your income and deductions, and to verify the family composition; and
(7) The AHA also may visit you in your home to interview you and your family members to see how you manage the upkeep of you current home.
What Documentation is required?
Yes, as stated above the AHA representative will request whatever documentation is needed (e.g., birth certificates, tax returns) to verify the information given on your application. Other documentation that may be required includes an Alien Resident Card, Photo ID for any potential resident age 18 and over and Proof of Income.
The AHA will also rely on direct verification from your employer, etc. You will be asked to sign a form to authorize release of pertinent information to the AHA.
Fraud Alert: Willingly or knowingly providing false information on your application constitutes fraud, which may leave ineligible for housing and could lead to criminal charges.
When will I be notified?
After you complete the online application, your name will be put on a waiting list, unless the AHA is able to assist you immediately. Once your name is reached on the waiting list, the AHA will contact you to process your application and determine your eligibility. If it is determined that you are ineligible, the AHA must say why and, if you wish, you can request an informal hearing.
Will I have to sign a lease?
If you are offered a house or apartment and accept it, you will have to sign a lease with the AHA. You may have to give the AHA a security deposit. You and the AHA representative should go over the lease together. This will give you a better understanding of your responsibilities as a tenant and the AHA's responsibilities as a landlord.
How is rent determined?
Your rent, which is referred to as the Total Tenant Payment (TTP) in this program, would be based on your family's anticipated gross annual income less deductions, if any. HUD regulations allow AHA to exclude from annual income the following allowances: $480 for each dependent; $400 for any elderly family, or a person with a disability; and some medical deductions for families headed by an elderly person or a person with disabilities. Based on your application, the HA representative will determine if any of the allowable deductions should be subtracted from your annual income. Annual income is the anticipated total income from all sources received from the family head and spouse, and each additional member of the family 18 years of age or older.
Existing Applicants
All applicants who when contacted by the AHA indicated they wanted to remain on the waiting list were moved to the online application and your position on the waiting list was maintained. To access your application please follow these directions:
- Your username is your first name last name month of birth and year of birth (no spaces). For example, if your name was John Doe and your birth date was 05/10/1967, then your username would be JOHNDOE051967. (Please note that your month must include the "0" if it is in the single digits. If you were born in May, then 05 must be entered, not 5, for your birth month).
- Your password to login to the web portal is the last four numbers of your Social Security Number and your year of birth. For example, if your birth date is 05/10/1967 and your Social Security number is 111-22-5555, then your password would be: 55551967.
- Once you have logged into the portal, click the "Edit" button and page through your application information. Please take to time to update any information that may have changed from the time that you first applied.
- You can change your account information at any time by clicking the "My Account" button on the left side of the page.
Please add a valid email address to your account in order to receive password help, which you can access by clicking the "Forgot Your Password?" link on the portal homepage underneath where you log in. Click save and next to confirm changes.